Christmas eve Services
All Are Candlelight Services
1pm | 3pm
These services bring the nativity to life. As the story is recounted, each set of characters is invited to the stage. If your children would like to participate, they'll be given the opportunity to join in as angels, shepherds, and wisemen.
These services bring the nativity to life. As the story is recounted, each set of characters is invited to the stage. If your children would like to participate, they'll be given the opportunity to join in as angels, shepherds, and wisemen.
5pm | 7pm
Join our sanctuary choir in song, hear a brass quartet, and ponder the wonder of the Christmas story.
Join our sanctuary choir in song, hear a brass quartet, and ponder the wonder of the Christmas story.
A contemplative service with piano and strings. Communion will be served at the end of the service.
A contemplative service with piano and strings. Communion will be served at the end of the service.