Sunday Mornings & Beyond

One Family
We love kids at Kids@creek. We know that it takes a village - or a church family - to raise kids. We are committed to finding ways to engage our entire church family with the life of our kids beginning at our worship services to our midweek programming. Join us as we raise kids to know, love, and serve the Lord.
Early childhood
On Sunday Mornings your little ones will enjoy fun crafts and games, while learning about the love of Jesus through age-appropriate lessons and stories. Teachers are ready to welcome your child at both 8:45am and 10:30am services.
On Sunday Mornings your little ones will enjoy fun crafts and games, while learning about the love of Jesus through age-appropriate lessons and stories. Teachers are ready to welcome your child at both 8:45am and 10:30am services.

Kindergarten -5th Grade
We invite our elementary students to join us for the beginning of Worship Service. Parents can go ahead and print their kids nametags before entering service as a family. The kids will sing and pray with us in service. Then, when the service transitions to the sermon time, we will dismiss students for their own age-appropriate Bible lesson.
We invite our elementary students to join us for the beginning of Worship Service. Parents can go ahead and print their kids nametags before entering service as a family. The kids will sing and pray with us in service. Then, when the service transitions to the sermon time, we will dismiss students for their own age-appropriate Bible lesson.

Mid-week & Special Events

Wednesday Night Connect
A midweek gathering for the whole family
Wednesday Night Connect is a night that brings the whole church community together to connect in worship. After a 20-minute community worship time, different groups will spread out through the church for learning and relationships. Join us in the Sanctuary for Connect Worship at 6pm as we learn Scripture together through music. Connect evenings run September-May. LEARN MORE ABOUT WEDNESDAY NIGHT CONNECT
Parent's Night Out
Caring for parents every first Friday through the school year. Kids can join us from 6-9p for games, crafts, and a movie night. Parents go and enjoy space to reconnect.
We invite early childhood and elementary age kids to join us following Wednesday Connect Worship for AWANA! Each night you will learn God’s Word, thrive in community with leaders and friends, and explore your creative or competitive side.
Kids Choir
Kids learn so much through music and singing. From memorization of lyrics, to understanding rhythm and tone. We invite children of all ages to join one of our choirs to periodically lead us in worship on Sunday mornings and other special services throughout the year. Our Children's & Youth choirs meet right before Wednesday Connect Worship.
How can we welcome your family?
Dig deeper into community with us on the Church Life pages or fill out the contact form below!