Wild Hope @ CCPC

The MomCo (short for Mom Community) encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.

1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 9:30-11:30am

The goal for MomCo (formerly MOPS) meetups at Cherry Creek Pres has always been to offer a warm welcome to Moms with children ages infant through kindergarten. For some Moms, MomCo meetups may be their only time away from their children to have the opportunity to recharge, grow spiritually and connect with other women. With this in mind, each meeting includes a delicious brunch, a presentation or activity, and time to chat with fellow Moms while their children play and receive quality care.

As a Mom, it's easy to put our own needs in second place (or third, or fourth). At The MomCo @ CCPC, our focus is building community within our group through meaningful experiences, such as:

Outreach Crafts

Powerful and fun meetings that blend the traditional "MomCo Craft Meeting" and an outreach activity that directly benefits local non-profit organizations. 

Mentor Mom Devo

Playdates & Moms Night Out

Our Mentor Moms touch on our need for spiritual encouragement and lead us in a brief devotional at the beginning of each meeting. 
Offered to the entire group as a way to deepen the friendships you have, as well as meet women outside of your small group. 

Wild Hope | 2024-2025

As a Mom Community,
We raise our kids & one another.
We boldly elevate motherhood.
We embrace the unexpected & imperfect.
We understand our direction is more important than our speed.
We celebrate often & loudly.
We know every mom has a place with us.
We follow Jesus and invite others to journey with us.

Say Yes to MomCo@CCPC!