Weekly Gatherings
September - May
Sunday Pancakes
Sundays | 10-10:30am
Some may think us strange, but we have a passion for pancakes. Join us between Sunday Worship Services for breakfast and company. First we prepare our hearts for worship from a brief devo, then we eat, and then we walk to the Sanctuary together.
Middle School
Wednesdays | 6-7:45pm
Gather with us at Wednesday Night Connect in the Sanctuary. Following the community worship time, our middle schoolers gather for teaching, games, and small group time.
High School
Mondays | 6:30-8:30pm
Join us for a time of relational connection while we study God's Word and how it applies to our lives and culture. Enjoy worship and small group time with friends and leaders.
the Rest of the Story

Special Events
We love being together, so we find ways to make it happen all year round. Join us for a Fall CornMaze, a Christmas Carol time, a spring cookout, or summer park days. It's all a blast when we're together.

Camps & Retreats
We believe that Jesus does some of the best heart work when we step out of the routine of life. So we put a lot of our heart into planning great weekend and week retreats to our middle and high school groups in the fall, winter and summer seasons.

Mission trips
We take what we've been given and bless others through mission work both in the states and Internationally. Serving on Indian Reservations, at Camp Barnabas and in Uganda, Africa we seek to have a long-term, relational impact for the Gospel wherever we serve.
Come find your place with us!
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Visit the Church Life pages to find out what's going on or contact us if you have questions.