Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

We love our brothers and sisters in Africa. We have three short terms mission trips that we send out to continue growing our relationships with our partners and friends in Ethiopia, Uganda and Ghana. In ETHIOPIA we partner with Hope for The Fatherless, a ministry that seeks to connect the story of the Gospel to adoption. Our student ministry takes a team of high schoolers biannually to serve alongside Youth For Christ in UGANDA. In GHANA, we encourage and serve alongside the Jewels of God Church.

In the Fall season we send a family team to serve alongside our friends - La Iglesia Maranatha. We have been partnering with Pastor Jorge and the church for over a decade bringing encouragement, running Vacation Bible School, and helping serve the community.

Local & International Missionaries
Cherry Creek supports over 75 missionaries in the U.S. and around the world. If you would like a World Outreach Directory to read more about those missionaries around the world, contact us. Some local missionaries and partner organizations have serving opportunities where we can get involved relationally with our friends in the inner-city. You can find out more about getting involved through the local serving link below.
Pray With Us
We invite you to partner with our missionaries by praying daily through this directory. God hears our prayers and our missionaries experience God’s faithfulness through them.
The Missionary
Pray for safety and protection in travels and living situations. Praise God for His work and presence with them, that they may be encouraged and uplifted in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and pray that they are strengthened in their daily work for Him
The Team
Pray for unity on their missionary team and in the churches they plant and work with.
Those Who Hear
Pray for those who will hear the good news of the Gospel and respond to its life-changing message.
The church
Pray for the church’s growth and maturity in Christ through their commitment to prayer and God’s Word.