
Sep 29, 2024    Marc Ragusin

Conversation Starters

╬ Imagine being one of the disciples with Jesus during this encounter with this Syrophoenician woman. She is one who is known to be an enemy of Israel and an enemy of God. The disciples would have expected Jesus to reject her, to use harsh words toward her, and to reject her request for healing of her daughter. The disciples would have approved of Jesus’s words toward her. Then they would have been stunned by Jesus’s response and healing. When have you expected one kind of justice only to be surprised by mercy? When have you witnessed deep faith in God from someone you believed couldn’t possibly understand? How has someone’s unexpected faith challenged and changed you?

╬ The Lord is always inviting us to know him better and to trust him more. Success and blessing or disappointment and loss can be equally valuable to us as our faith and trust grow. How has the Lord deepened your relationship with Jesus? What have been the moments that have undeniably deepened your faith and your trust in God?